I will be reviewing two very different books to day. The first is one about autism. The second is a coming of age/paranormal/horror book

I received this book in a giveaway hosted by NerdGirl Blogger (http://www.thegirlfromtheghetto.wordpress.com).
How To talk to an Autistic Kid is an awesome book. It is written by 14 year old Daniel Stefanski, who is on the spectrum. He has done a remarkable job educating both his peers and adults. It is a short book, some may call it a picture book for the middle school age. I think we can all learn from it. I am raising an autistic child. It is not easy watching him struggle to have conversations with other who do not understand. I would like to ask every teacher out there to get this book and find a way to share it with your classroom.
I love the way Daniel talks about how autistic children "hear" and "see", (or not see), things. He also brought up important things like getting stuck, not remembering to share, some of the different behaviors that some autistic children do and even the sensory issues. I love the section on Be a good friend where Daniel says, "Don't feel sorry for me. I have autism, but I'm cool with who I am." This is my wish for Jr. Daniel reminds us to reach out to children with autism. He also asks us to stand up for children with autism from the bullies and then tells us how. And he calls us the hero. To me he is the hero.
I recommend this book to adults and children, and not just the age level it is geared to. I think younger children will be able to relate to it. My grandson is 4 and, while he did not get everything, there were parts of the book where he said that is like me. It is never to early to begin planting the seeds of acceptance and understanding. We can all learn from it.
How to Talk to An Autistic Kid by Daniel Stefanski is widely available.

A Life of Death by Weston Kincade is a coming of age type book with a paranormal twist. This story opens with a vision Alex is having of how is father died - killed by a drunk driver. Jamie, Alex's son is doing a paper for school. He tells his father,"Dad, I need to know about the most important thing that ever happened to you. Was there ever something that changed your life that much?" What follows is a recanting of a horrifying few weeks of Alex's life. A few years after Alex's father is killed his mother remarries, ironically to a violent drunk. And so we hear a tale of horrible abuse, murder, guilt, fear, the voices of the dead, love, understanding and hope. Mr Kincade did a wonderful job telling this story. The characters are well developed and easy to relate to. They are people you know and some you hope to never know. It is intense at times, it will move you and it is realistic. Mr Kincade has written a story you will get lost in. Time will fall away while you are glued to reading it. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this book. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars.
A Life of Death by Weston Kincade is available in paperback at http://www.amazon.com/Life-Death-Weston-Kincade/dp/146119203X/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1310978246&sr=8-2
or Kindle format at http://www.amazon.com/A-Life-of-Death-ebook/dp/B00558UVOW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1310978246&sr=8-2 .
It is available for Nook at http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/a-life-of-death-kincade?store=book
Weston Kincade can be found on FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/wkincade
Twitter @WestonKincade
And his blog http://www.authorwakincade.blogspot.com