I wasn't sure what to expect from this book. It is an A to Z guide for vampires. Teenage vampires. I have had the book on my shelf for awhile. I love the cover and when I saw it on my shelf it drew my attention. I am happy it did. I really enjoyed this guide. Amy Mah writes this teenage vampire guide in a fun and engaging way.The artwork, done by Heby Sim, was gifted. This is a delightful book written from a teen perspective. Amy goes over all the things you need to know if you suddenly find out you are a vampire. Amy is a teenager who was raised by humans and did not know she was a full blood born vampire. When it was discovered she was adopted into the Pink Bat Family. She tells you about boys and gives you the rules for dating, (boys are not allowed to bite you). She covers the family and ranks in the family. She goes over all the myths and stories you may have heard. Amy Mah writes all this in a voice you can hear. it is like she is sitting with you explaining everything. I would definitely recommend this book. It was a lot more fun than I imagined. It is a book I will mostly read again and purchase as gifts to teens.
There was no bad language in the book however there were sexual references. The author while acknowledging the "bases" and teen hormones did not encourage sexual behavior in the references. I felt it was appropriate for older teens.
I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway. I had intended to give it to my daughter. Now I guess I will have to buy her a copy because I don't want to give up mine. I do intend to get more books by Amy Mah.

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