Follow Friday is sponsored by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. And this week the Featured blogger on Parajunkee is Lisa Loves Literature Over on Alison Can Read the featured blogger is Once Upon a Prologue. This week's question is:
If you could change the ending of any book (or series), which book would you choose? Why and to what?
I do not think I really want to change an ending. I like the endings to be as the author sees them. It is not to say I am always happy with them, (for example Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer was settled way too easy peasey for my taste and Loser's Town by Daniel Depp felt like the ending was rushed). I like to write my own endings even when I like the ending just because I like to think about what would happen if it went this way or that way. I think the endings and imagining them in different ways is part of the fun of reading a book. Everyone sees differently - even an awesome book, (or series), is not going to end in a way that pleases everyone who reads it.

What is your answer? Leave me a comment with or let me know where to find it! Thanks for playing!
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