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Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here are the rules for participating in this meme:
Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
I am going to choose sentences from 2 of the books I am offering in my giveaway and a third from the book I am reviewing..
The first is from Rock 'n' Roll is Undead By Rose Pressey.

I hadn’t intended on that reaction, but it was beyond my control. His good looks would make anyone lose brain function.
“I’m here about the bass player. You need one?” He stood in front of Kitty and me. His voice smooth like melted chocolate.
I nodded, still unable to speak. It was like being thirteen-years-old all over again.
He smiled, exposing dimples on each cheek. No fangs that I saw. Was he human? Maybe I should’ve lifted his lips and checked for fangs, kind of like inspecting a horse’s mouth—perhaps used my tongue for that examination. What was wrong with me? Someone needed to toss me in a cold shower. Pronto.
Rock 'n' Roll is Undead (Veronica Mason Series, Book 1) (Kindle Locations 843-850).
The second comes from Voodoo Dues by Stephany Simmons.

“My worst fear,” she said. “The darkest possible scenario is that he's fallen in with a bokor and killed his brother.”
“Are we talking about Pierre being turned into a zombie here?” Figg said.
Voodoo Dues (Kindle Locations 525-527).
And a final one from the book I am reviewing, A Fit of Hissy by Jeni Decker and Kat Nove.

These days I’m out of control and think everyone’s out to get me. Not because I’m doing drugs or drinking, but because I’m going through menopause. After a particularly disturbing incident, I looked up the symptoms and discovered there are twenty-seven of them. I’m writing this so I can stick it on the refrigerator door for The Remote Control Terrorist to read EVERY FUCKING DAY.
Here are some of the symptoms and how they are affecting a once sane woman. That would be me, people.
A Fit of Hissy: a schlockumentary (Kindle Locations 203-207).
From GoodReads:
My review:
In A Fit of Hissy you get glimpses of life from two old friends. By two old friends I mean that is what you feel when you read this book. You feel like you are having coffee with 2 old friends, just talking about different stuff.They tell us about relationships, autism, family, menopause and even politics. Everything is up for grabs and nobody is worried about being politically correct. Nothing is too sacred to be laughed at. Which is fine with me. The way I see it you have 2 choices about life. You can cry every time something happens or you can look for the humor and laugh. I choose to laugh. Shit happening is a frequent visitor in my life. You get the feeling he has been hanging out with the authors too. While reading this book you might get offended, you might not agree with everything and you will laugh. Because like I said it is glimpses of life from a couple of real people. I enjoyed this book. I like these writers. They keep it real. They keep it humorous.
This book contains an excerpt of "Waiting for Karl Rove". An awesome book I reviewed a few weeks ago. Click here to read the review and an interview
Waiting for Karl Rove is currently being offered in a giveaway on GoodReads.