My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What an amazing book! I won this in a Goodreads Giveaway. Being the first Aunt Dimity book I read but the twenty third written, I was hesitant to start it. I felt certain I wouldn’t be able to enjoy as I would if I knew some about it. I set it aside with the intention of reading a couple of earlier books. Then life took over as it tends to do. I came across recently and knew I must read it without the planned earlier books and hope for the best. I’m delighted to report that I believe wherever you are when you pick up an Aunt Dimity book, it is where you can start! Twenty two books before mine and I wasn’t lost at all! I’m not even going to attempt a lie and say I don’t care about the other twenty two. I do care. I care, though, because this book thrilled me so that I must read the others! If you have never read Aunt Dimity books, whichever one you come across, read it. Immediately! Don’t be foolish as I was and wait.
For the benefit of anyone who hasn’t read any of Aunt Dimity, she is a ghost! Our main character is Lori a wife, (to Bill), and mom to three children. Lori is an American living in England. Aunt Dimity was her mom’s closest friend. Now she watches over Lori extending her friendship to the daughter of her best friend. Isn’t that amazing? What a testimony to the power of friendship. In the King’s Ransom, Lori and Bill are off on a small getaway. However things don’t go as planned. Mother Nature had plans of her own. Lori and Bill are forced to spend their getaway, apart. Lori spends hers as a guest at The King’s Ransom Inn and it is there the adventure begins.
I love the characters and the world building. I was swiftly taken from my chilly, windy and rainy Juneau home to a chilly and wet Shepney. How delighted I was that my weather matched, somewhat, the weather in the book! It made it so much easier to slip into place. I spent the most delightful time there! I do so want to tell you all of it but the fear of telling too much, and spoiling it for you, is great. You simply must read this book! Do make time to read it properly. Perhaps start it on a weekend when you’ve nothing planned or are on a long vacation ride. Once you begin, you will lose track of time as you are transported to England. As for me, I’ll be looking for the beginning of these books. I must know how Aunt Dimity and Lori came to be acquainted. I have so many questions that no doubt will answered by the beginning. Read, dear friend, whichever Aunt Dimity you have picked out but expect to be left wanting to go back to the beginning. Aunt Dimity and The King’s Ransom is a most tantalizing choice. Enjoy it!
*Thank you to Goodreads Giveaways and Penguin Books for the opportunity to become acquainted with Aunt Dimity. It has be delightful. I am not required to leave a review. I leave my thoughts because I want you to be transported as I was. I want you to enjoy a deliciously spooky yet immensely entertaining vacation in Shepney at the King’s Ransom Inn. Tell the Hancocks hello and I hope you enjoy some of Steve’s delicacies. I do hope you enjoy the Bishop’s company!
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