My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I enjoyed this book about music therapy. It has links to worksheets so you can learn how to apply it to your life. I deal with PTSD. I have always found music to be helpful. I had not thought about it as therapeutic though. I just noticed long ago how music affected me and how I could sometimes change my mood with it. This book helped me understand how music can be effective in aiding many situations and illnesses. The exercises and worksheets are helping me to not only figure out what my playlists should be like, but also other family members. My mom has Alzheimer's, my daughter is bi-polar and my grandsons are autistic. In reading the book and thinking about them, I have realized that music could be helpful to them. All of them react to music. It will interesting to make various playlists and note any differences. I am already working on different playlist for myself; more intentional ones. This book is one of the most helpful books I read this year and will be on my list of books that changed me positively.
I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the role music can and does play in their life,or in the life of a loved one. Thank you to BookTasters for bringing this book to my attention. Thank you to the author for providing an ecopy for review consideration. All opinions are my honest feelings about the book.
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