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In The Kissing Hand we are introduced to Chester Raccoon. Chester is going off to school but, as this is a new experience, he is scared. He tells his mother he does not want to go and she tells him of The Kissing Hand.
I read this book and it's follow up, A Pocketful of Kisses, with Junior. It quickly became a favorite read. He also wanted a kissing hand. Once I filled his hand with kisses, he insisted on filling mine. When he came home from school he would tell me if he was low on kisses. This was a highlight for me. Touch does not come easy to Junior. Neither do great shows of affection. It is just part of his autism. That he wanted kisses on his palm thrilled me. That he wanted to give them - well I don't have words to fully express my joy. All from this wonderful story of a mother's love. We continue to read this book together. It is one of his frequent request. The story is absolutely delightful. The pictures are rich and filled with the love between Chester and his mother. I highly recommend this book.
Junior: I love this story. It told me about the kissing hand. Now I don't have to miss my grandma so much. I have kisses in my hand. I really like the pictures. I like the raccoon. It wears a mask like a bandit. I thought it was because it will steal your food. But I read about them and maybe it is to help them see. Did you know a raccoon can run so fast at 15 miles per hour? Did you know they like to go in water? They examine things they find in the water. Their hands have fingers. That is what makes it so good at stealing food. Like the book says they stay up at night time. I wonder if Chester closes his hand to keep the kisses in? I do at first but when they are stuck I open my hand.
He leído este libro y su seguimiento, A Pocketful of Kisses, con Junior. Rápidamente se convirtió en una lectura favorita. También quiso besar la mano. Una vez que llenó su mano de besos, insistió en llenar la mía. Cuando llegó a casa de la escuela me decía si estaba bajo en besos. Este fue un momento culminante para mí. Contacto no es fácil para Junior. Tampoco los grandes muestras de afecto. Es sólo una parte de su autismo. Que quería un beso en la palma me emociona. Que él quería darles - así que no tengo palabras para expresar mi alegría por completo. Todo lo de esta maravillosa historia de amor de una madre. Seguimos leyendo este libro. Es uno de su petición frecuente. La historia es absolutamente encantador. Las imágenes son ricos y llenos del amor entre Chester y su madre. Yo recomiendo este libro.
Junior: Me encanta esta historia. Me habló de la mano besándose. Ahora no tiene que perder mi abuela tanto. Tengo besos en la mano. Me gustan mucho los cuadros. Me gusta el mapache. Lleva una máscara como un bandido. Pensé que era porque va a robar su comida. Pero he leído acerca de ellos y tal vez es ayudarles a ver. ¿Sabías que un mapache puede correr tan rápido de 15 millas por hora? ¿Sabía usted que les gusta ir en el agua? Examinan las cosas que encuentran en el agua. Sus manos tienen los dedos. Eso es lo que hace que sea tan bueno en robar comida. Al igual que el libro dice que se quedan hasta por la noche. Me pregunto si Chester cierra su mano para evitar los besos en? Yo al principio, pero cuando están atrapados abro mi mano.
Audrey Penn has also written the following Chester the Raccoon books:

Audrey Penn has a wonderful website at http://audreypenn.com/
Her blog is at http://audreypenn.com/blog/
Amazon, where you can purchase the Chester books as well as her other books http://www.amazon.com/Audrey-Penn/e/B001JOZQ00/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1365119592&sr=8-1
For more titles by Tanglewood Press please go to their site at http://www.tanglewoodbooks.com/
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