Monday, July 25, 2011

Musing Mondays

Do you need to have your owned books out where you can see them, or are you okay with them being stored away?

I would love to have them out in the open, neatly stored on shelves where all can peruse them. Okay, so I just want to own a bookstore. Space is an issue as I have a lot of books. So they are everywhere. In Rubbermaid containers, on shelves, on tables, on counters and of course on my Kindle. I would love them out but have to be okay with stored, (at least until I have the joy of owning a bookstore).

On a different note: 
I was visiting at Arlie Bird had an interesting post about Blog Derivatives that got me thinking,(a sign of a really good blog in my opinion). I am new to blogging and still tweaking mine. I have joined up with some meme that I found fun but still want to keep what I started blogging for. I love to read. I love talking about books. I read many different genres.  In participating in the memes I have noticed that there is a popular genre out there - I love that one too. I have thought about staying in that genre for the memes but rejected the idea. I know that all of my picks are not going to be "popular" or even known - I love Indie Writers. I go to blogs to see what people read, what they like or didn't like and with the hope of finding new books in any genre. I am hoping that is what others do the memes for too. So I will keep reading in genres i love, like or don't know much about. I will continue to review them honestly, and while I would never one star a book, I hope I judge them fairly. You may ask why I would not one star a book. The reason is all books have value to someone - even if it is only to the author and his/her loved ones. Someone worked hard on the book, (even those who I desperately wish chose a good editor). To give a one star review, in my opinion, is as lazy as not editing. Especially if the only reason, (and I have seen this in reviews), is "I couldn't get into this book".  Maybe you couldn't but someone who is reading your review might be able to. If you give a low star review I feel you should state why you did so, just as you would for a high rating one. Did the author not have engaging characters, was the plot dragging or confusing, was it the editing? I think writing is something you constantly hone. Even if the author does not read your review you may help another author who did read it. Since starting my blog I have not had to give a low rating yet. I have gone out of my comfort zone on a couple of books and was pleasantly surprised. I know the day will come when I do have to choose a low rating. I hope I will be able to give a constructive review of the book. I am not out to destroy anyone. I hope to help with my reviews, both the high rated and the low rated ones. I hope you understand no why my books in the memes may seem a bit different and why I am all over the place on book reviews. We all have our favorite things and our passions. Two of mine are Alaska and Autism. I have picture pages dedicated to both of them. I will be reviewing books by Alaskan authors in the future. My grandson on the autism spectrum will make appearances reviewing his book picks. Reading is something he loves too. I may occasionally write something about autism. I hope you find something to enjoy while you are here. I hope you find a new author to investigate or a book you think you will enjoy. Maybe you will decide to visit Alaska. Maybe you will understand something about autism.  I hope you leave a comment and I hope you come by every now and then. Thanks for reading!


MizB said...

I hate having to write reviews on books that I didn't really enjoy -- it's difficult! BUT... I've always felt like you, that someone out there might enjoy this book, even if I didn't, and not only that, but the author put his/her hard work into this, so it deserves a well-written review and reasons for why I, personally, didn't enjoy it. Perhaps it helps that I'm a wanna-be writer, myself ... I get how much work has to go into a book! LOL.

But, I like the insights you gave me into writing these reviews -- how, even if the author themselves don't read your review, some other author might, and it could still be of help. That's another great thing to keep in mind! So, thanks! :D


Cat said...

Very insightful. I've been tinkering with blogging for a couple of years and never know if I'm doing it right or not so I just blog for me now and hope someone likes it. (Ok so I pray someone likes)

And by all means, please write about Alaska. It's on my bucket list to go to one day. I threaten to move there all the time.

anywho, here's my Musing Monday if you're interested.

Lisa said...

The fact that you've got so many books that you don't have enough space for them is great though ;)

Thanks for stopping by!

Gigi Ann said...

First: Thank you for visiting My Reading Corner today. I don't write many reviews, it seems to much like being back in school and having to write those book reviews for class. I do, however write one once in awhile.. As far as my ratings, if it deserves 5 stars I give it 5 stars, if I feel it deserves 1 star I give it 1 star. I do add that I'm sure others liked this book, this is just my opinion. Most of my books 1 star or 5 stars, I donate to the library, because like you said, someone out there probably likes the books.

I feel when giving a review it should be honest, and if you truly liked the book then give them a high rating. If it receives a low rating I tell the author I'm sorry but this is my feelings. I have favorite authors I read, but that doesn't always mean I love every book they write. And it also doesn't mean I will never read another one of their books. I look to book bloggers to give honest reviews, I know professional book reviewers may not be as honest in their reviews, after all they are being paid to write a review. Therefore that is why I read the book bloggers reviews first. I hope all that made sense. Anyway, that is my viewpoint about ratings.

Frances said...

Thank you all for stopping by.

MizB, I am happy you went on to read the whole post and took something away from it. I am also happy that you put a lot of thought into all your reviews. Most of the blogs I have been to on the hops do. It is the ones you find elsewhere that drive me insane. LOL

Cat, I loved visiting your blog. I will be returning - it is wwhy I followed you. :D Alaska is an awesome place. I do hope you visit soon.

Lisa, Thank you. Now I can go be snarky to the man who keeps knocking over my books. :D

Frances said...

Hi Gigi Ann. Thank you for stopping by.I too believe that bloggers are the most honest with their reviews. I think most of the professional ones try to be. I do admit I am suspect of their reason for their reviews though.

Unknown said...

If a "library room" is the ultimate dream, owning a bookstore would be heaven :D

New follower!

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

The bookstore idea sounds wonderful. Dream job!
(I don't review books so can't comment on the rest of your post. :)
Here's my MM:

Unknown said...

My books are also pretty much everywhere. :)

Here's mine:

caite said...

I would love to own a bookstore..that did not actually need to make money.

I did visit Alaska, for a couple of weeks, a couple of years ago. A beautiful, beautiful place. Obviously I need to go back for a couple of months.

As to memes,Musing Monday is one I personally enjoy because it makes me think about so many bookish issues.
One thing about blogging is that you realize that there is room for all sorts out there. All different genres, very book review heavy, book review lighter..
You have to just make yours one YOU are happy with.

Frances said...

Thank you all for stopping by and leaving comments.
Amy, Stopped by your place. Wow 10! Following back. :)
Dianne, Thank you for commenting. Please feel free to join in on any post in my blog. It doesn't matter to me if you review books or not. If you read you have something valuable to contribute. I stopped by your place earlier and joined. I really liked visiting there!
LibrarySnake I like your name. :) I love your picture! Looks like my place. LOL
Caite Good advice. It is my plan and hopefully the one that makes me happy will make a few others happy too. I so want your bookshelves! :)

Yvonne said...

I have way too many books to display them. I have to keep them in Rubbermaid bins. I, also, have my Nook and that makes it so much easier now.

Frances said...

Thanks for stopping by. I will plan for reviewing an Alaskan author - I have some books on my TBR. I will talk about Alaska then too and add on some more pictures. I don't know if you saw them but I have a page of Alaska pictures up at the top. I have the Kindle which frees up space although I fear running out of room there too. LOL

Review: Inheriting Murder: A Bobwhite Mountain Cozy Mystery

Inheriting Murder: A Bobwhite Mountain Cozy Mystery by Jamie Rutland Gillespie My rating: 5 of 5 stars ...