Friday, July 29, 2011

Pictures On the trail in Alaska

Hi Everyone,

I went on a hike and thought I would share some pictures of Juneau with you. Hope you enjoy them!

Montana Creek 

We grow cotton in Juneau 

 Bears bread growing on the tree

I just love the color contrast of these leaves

Windfall Creek

The blueberries are out

Near the start of the trail

A shot of Douglas Island

Leave a comment and let me know how you liked Juneau Alaska


ChicoGiovanni8 said...

Wow... It looks so peaceful... Zombie-free? LOL

Frances said...

Rob brought that up while we were on the trail hahaha. Hey did you join my blog? You better or we might have to send the zombies out there after you.

TC said...

It looks beautiful, so tranquil.

Stephany Simmons said...

It's lovely, but I look at those stairs and see myself rolling all the way to the bottom. I'm not exactly graceful! :-)

Dawn said...

Wow. I'm reading Anne of Green Gables, and I keep thinking that's PEI rather than Alaska! Beautiful pictures! :)

Frances said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by. I'm so happy you like my town.
Vicki, We have loads of awesome trails.
TC, it is very tranquil out there, until you hear a bear crashing around! My bf started making all this noise but had time to reassure me, "you know I think you run slower than me."
Stephany, you should have heard me with the stairs! I just knew I was going to fall down them! And it had rained so they were slippery! My bf kept telling me, "don't worry. I have my camera handy if you do." Wow! Imagine that! Really? You would let me roll down them? His reply? "Well somebody has to film it for your blog. Imagine all the views you would get." With that there was no way I was going to fall down them!
Dawn, I love Anne of Green Gables! Hmm I never thought of Juneau as PEI! Although I can imagine Anne and Diana walking through the woods.

Anonymous said...


Frances said...

Olá!Andressa. Obrigado visitando. Eu gosto de seu blogue. Eu estou seguindo-o agora.

Jennifer G. said...

Love it! Maybe we can come for a visit one day!!!

JENNI said...


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