Friday, August 19, 2011

Follow My Blog Friday #59

Q. If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?

I always wanted to be in Anne of Green Gables, as one of Anne and Diana's friends. From books I have read recently I want to be on a road trip with Kat Nove and Jeni Decker in Waiting for Karl Rove. Maybe as a stalker fan or blogger who meets them somewhere between Texas and Nevada. The possibilities for fun are endless.  Or in Rose Pressey's Larue Donavan Series as one of Larue's Ghoulfriends. Being a vampire in one of Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampire Series or Jaz Primo's Sunset Vampire Series would be cool. I like that their female vampires are strong women. Being in any of Molly Harper's books because she writes so funny. I just want to have fun. I could go on and on because, really, don't you imagine yourself in some role with every book you read? 

Leave a comment and let me know where I can find yours. If you are not really participating in this meme on your blog but just came by to read my answer, then please leave your answer in my comments. I am interested in what you think and which book you have dreamed yourself in. I also enjoy visiting all the blogs.  I do go to each one and I always follow back. Have an awesome weekend!!

Thanks for coming by and don't forget to enter the giveaway, (Sorry but due to all the differing laws of each country, I had to make this US only), for the first two e books in the Sunset Vampires Series by Jaz Primo. You can enter at my site and at Books & Barks. Jenn is having some dental issues taken care of but she will be blogging soon. She does read your comments and visit back so if you stop there, show her some love. Today is the last day to enter! The links are here:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Wow, you'd like to be in several books! LOL..I could only think of one =P

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by Book'd Out! Oh I didn't even think of Anne of Green Gables - one of my favourite books!

Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
I'm now following you via Facebook!

Justin941 said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting/following. I like your answer, and I agree I tend to find myself wishing to be in a lot of roles in almost every book. xD

I made sure to follow you also. :)

Justin @ Justin's Book Blog

Anne said...

I picked Anne of Green Gables for my answer- I love those books! I am a new follower.

Brett @ Demons Read Too said...

You'd need to be some sort of magical character who could hop from book to book. Actually, that sounds like fun.

Thanks for stopping by Cristina, glad I'm not the only one annoyed by Nora's antics.

MeikkiBeibi said...

Being in Molly harper's book would be fun! I've only read 'How to Flirt witha Naked Werewolf', though. ;)

New follower. :)
My Friday @ For The Love of Reading!

MeikkiBeibi said...

Bah, old follower that is, not new. ;P

Trisha Wolfe said...

Thank you for joining my blog! Followed right back ;) Love this site!

Vampyre Gurls Book Club Blog said...

I am ashamed to admit I have not read Anne of Green Gables. I had received it when I was in 4th grade from my Nana for Christmas one year but she also gave about 10 other books and they were all a series about young girls growing up in different time periods. I fell in LOVE with those so Anne & Little Women fell to the wayside. I wish I remembered that series. It is still popular today..
One day I am going to read the classics. They are all on my TBR.
I am a new-ish follower (followed on Thursday) & grabbed a button :)
Have an awesome day. Alaska is on my list of places to move once I win the would love a large farm type property so I can have my rescued cats & dog run freely.
I have always wanted to run a not for profit animal sanctuary/shelter/adoption center.
Sorry to blather on and on..
Have a gr8 day, gotta run 2 work now :F

Anonymous said...

Anne of Green Gables! I loved that series when I was younger & they did a great job making them into movies too. Thank you stopping by blog! New follower as well. :)

Sophie said...

Hiii Cristina! :D

Being a vampire would be awesome, wouldn't it? Well, apart from that drinking blood part - but we probably wouldn't care at that point, LOL. ;-))

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Kristina said...

I love Anne of Green Gables! It was the first classic book that I read as a child. Great answer! Thanks for visiting and I am following you know!


Lea Christine said...

Happy Friday!

Awww I always wanted to BE Anne from Anne of Green Gables! I LOVED the movies when I was little (still do!) and we both have red hair, although no one ever called me "Carrots" lol :P

You can see my FF post for this week at the link below-- would love if stopped by! Have a great weekend!

Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

Amy @ Happily Reading Ever After said...

I've checked several Follow Friday today and noticed that my TBR is going to have to grow some more. I haven't read any of these. I'd definitely be a vampire as well.

I'm now following you, too. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Tracy Smith said...

My daughter has always had a fascination with coming to Alaska, so will definitely enjoy your blog. I am a new gfc follower as countrysunset40.
Come on over to visit when you get the chance.

Cameo Renae said...

You know I'm already a follower. hehe Droppin' in to show some love... Loved your answer. I love Anne of Green Gables. I still have them somewhere in storage. :) Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Chloe I'm so glad you paid me a visit today. I'd love to hear about Alaska nd stay tuned for what's happening over there. Yes, Sherlock Holmes is a long term favorite. I loved him from my pre teens teens when there were the old movies, before I knew of the books or Sir. Conan Doyle.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

OOh I love Chloe's Chicagoland Vampire series! Would so want to be friends with Merit! Love her character!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Have a GREAT weekend!

melannie said...

Being a vampire would be definitely fun!

New follower!
Happy friday (:

Uomo di Speranza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Uomo di Speranza said...

Thanks for following my blog-I just followed ya back! I really enjoyed the many dreams revealed in this post.

duchess_mommy said...

New to book blogging, and came to follow you!

Jen | Book Den said...

Aw, Anne of Green Gables. That does sound lovely.

Val said...

Anne of Green Gables would be a great choice!

Thanks for visiting FF

Old follower too

Fireflywishes said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - I agree with you, that definitely as a reader you end up picturing yourself in every book, how can you NOT?! It's what every book does, transports you to that time and place.. :)

April @ My Shelf Confessions

SweetMarie83 said...

I can't believe I didn't think of Anne of Green Gables! I'd love to be one of Anne and Diana's bosom buddies lol. Great answer! Happy Friday from a new follower!

Sarah Janeway said...

Thanks for the follow! I'm following back!

Great varied answers! It would be so much fun to hang out with Anne of Green Gables. :)

Livia @ Butterfly-o-Meter Books said...


Loved your answer :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following, I'm also following you now.

Have a great weekend!

Frances said...

Thank you everyone for stopping by! I have visited all your blogs - I believe I am caught up. LOL I went on a hike today so I am late responding. Sorry.
It is awesome to see so many Anne fans! I loved that book and mini series. Vampyre Gurl talk as much as you want. We all love to read. Personally I loved it and gabbed a bit on yours as well. :)
Cameo I would love to be in the next book - very broad hint! Maybe as a female Guardian. Bigger broad hint. LOL I still have my Anne books too. I cannot part with them!
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Alyssa Nelson said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'm already a follower. :) I loved Anne of Green Gables when I was a kid. I almost died my hair red so I could be more like her. :P

Have a good weekend!

Goldilox said...

Thanks for the follow, I am following back! :)

Being a part of one of the vampire house in Chicagoland Vampires would be fun! There are so many people in each house and Neill's vampires are a little different that other vampires.


Katie said...

I just read No Shoes, No Shirt, No Spells by Rose Pressey! I really enjoyed it, so I'm glad you enjoyed one of her other books. Thanks for hopping through, and I look forward to seeing more of you over at Magic Is In Words. I'm following you back, Happy Reading!

Christin said...

I've seen Anne of Green Gables in a couple of places - great choice! I bet that would be fun.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you have a great weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog

Lex Write said...

Thanks for stopping by and following. New follower. Man, I have not thought about Anne of Green Gables in forever. I used to love that series.

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