The old cover:

and now the new cover:
I think they are both awesome! I cannot decide which I like more. What is your pick? Leave a comment to let me know!
I have something super special surprise planned for September 1st so be certain to check back. You do not want to miss this!
I like both covers, too. Looks like an intriguing book. I love books written with an Alaskan background. Congratulations.
Hi Susan, Thank you for stopping by.
The book is not mine. It was written by very talented author Ann Hite. I was lucky enough to review it. When I got the new cover book I wanted to make sure everyone knows what to look for on it's release. It is set in the south. :)
The first cover looks more creepy. The first one looks like it would be a romance novel.
I'm not sure either. I do think the top one has a creepy feel, but I like the movement in the bottom one.
I like the bottom one more.
The first is more eerie, and the second one more hopeful - I'd probably be more into the second cover. :)
Thanks everyone for your comments. I am leaning to the second one for the splash of color I think. But I love them both.
The old cover reminds me of that ole ghost type story of a woman refusing to leave her home, the new look with the emphasis on the back drop plays to the title and the woman with a ghostly appeal but not eering. #2 (the new cover) my choice
By the way Cristina, was it difficult to post your message on my page or who was having a hard time post period. for some reason my post are not coming up for several hours. I have gone back to posting at night in hopes that it will post by morning but i found out that does not work either, i don't know whats going on. i know when i go to post i always have to click the automatic time slot but it some how jumps back on set date and time. it has been so frustrating.
wishing you and your family a wonderful weekend.
oh, The Game Plays You was more of an inspirational novel. It was good. women could take something from it, the main focus was relationships.
I definitely like the first one better! Thanks for sharing and hope you have a wonderful week....
Hey, I favour the first one. The second one for me is just a girl running on a field. The first one is much more mystical, you don´t quite know what you should make of it, it leaves me more curious than the 2nd.
I'm not sure which cover I like better either... the old one looks eerier, though.
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