Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Themes

Theme Thursdays
Theme Thursdays is a fun weekly event that will be open from one Thursday to the next. Anyone can participate in it. 

This week’s theme is

TREES(Plants/Greenery )

I am breaking the rules today, (I know - you are all surprised by that). I am still sick from the infusion so I hope I will be forgiven. It is just too difficult to search through the two print books I am reading to find the theme match tonight. So I am going to take two selections from books I have finished. One from the book giveaway I am hosting and the other from the book I just reviewed, (there is a fascinating interview with the author too). I hope you enjoy them!

Prisoner and Survivor (a zombie apocalypse novel) (The Survivor Chronicles)

Prisoner And Survivor (Book 2) by Brian Kittrell

After a few minutes, he found a nice, shady spot under the willow tree behind the house. He started digging. It wasn't until this point in his life he understood just how difficult digging a large, deep hole really was. He continued digging for hours until it looked suitable for Trudy to be laid to rest. 

Kittrell, Brian. Prisoner and Survivor (a zombie apocalypse novel) (The Survivor Chronicles) (Kindle Locations 640-644). Late Nite Books. 

Ghost on Black Mountain

Ghost on Black Mountain by Ann Hite

(This excerpt is from an advanced copy and is subject to change. The piece you read may or may not appear in the released version.)

The man stood at the edge of the woods just like he belonged there, like a brown tin photo from time gone by.

This photo was taken by me and belongs to me. It is not associated with the book or the author. I just thought it look almost like the scene.

I hope you enjoyed my picks. Please enter The Survival Chronicles giveaway and be sure to read the riveting interview from Ghost on Black Mountain author Ann Hite. Please leave me a comment so I can find yours!


Jac @ ForLoveandBooks said...

I LOVE the quote from "Ghost on Black Mountain" and the photo you had to go with it! Too awesome! I really want to read that one, so I'm off to read your review next :)

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Great excerpt and photos. And I guess I regularly break the rules, since I usually grab a book that I'll be reading the next week!


fredamans said...

That photo accompanies the scene very well.

Sherrie said...

Sounds like a great book. Love the picture you shared. Have a great day!

Just Books

Frances said...

Hi everyone. Thanks for stopping by. I will have a surprise with Ghost on Black Mountain. I will announce it on September 1st so be sure to check back!
Off to check all of yours!

Cat said...

Have just read your review and the interview for Ghost on Black Mountain and it sounds fantastic.

Love your photo - a perfect image for your snippet.

Happy reading!

Yvonne said...

Great choices!

Gigi Ann said...

Great choices of both books.

ham1299 said...

Great excerpts! Thanks for stopping by Proud Book Nerd! :-)

Cristina said...

Thank you for stopping by!

kavyen said...

Great choices and loved how you pulled out an apt picture that was taken by you. I really liked the idea, maybe we should do one week with matching pictures.. that would be fun.

Landslide said...

Both snippets are great but I prefer the first one. I wonder how Trudy died... It seems she was very important to him.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

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